login.js主要是用戶注冊,用戶登錄驗證的JS代碼, 使用了jQ的插件jQuery.validator, 添加一堆驗證的方法, 后面就不管了, 沒啥好看的的;

(function() { var b = null; var a; jQuery.extend({initLoginForm: function() { a = $("#loginForm").validate({wrapper: "li",onkeyup: false,rules: {"loginUserDTO.user_name": {requiredUserName: true,checkLoginUserName: true},"userDTO.password": {required: true,minlength: 6}},messages: {"loginUserDTO.user_name": {requiredUserName: login_messages.userNameEmpty,checkLoginUserName: login_messages.userNameFormat},"userDTO.password": {required: login_messages.passwordEmpty,minlength: login_messages.passwordLength}},submitHandler: function(c) { var d = dhtmlx.modalbox({targSrc: '<div style="z-index: 20000; position: fixed; left: 750.5px; top: 237px;"><img src="' + ctx + 'resources/images/loading.gif"></img></div>'}); $(c).ajaxSubmit({url: ctx + "login/loginAysnSuggest",type: "post",async: false,success: function(e) { if (e.status) { if (e.data.loginCheck == "Y") { $.submitLogin() } else { if ("Y" == openRandCodeCheck) { refreshImg("login", "sjrand"); $("#randCode").val("") } dhtmlx.modalbox.hide(d); $("#password").val(""); return false } } }}) },errorPlacement: function(c, d) { }}); $("#loginSub").on("click", function(c) { $("#loginForm").submit() }) },verifyLoginUser: function(e) { if (e == "用戶名/郵箱" || "" == e || null == e) { return login_messages.userNameEmpty } var c = /^[A-Za-z]{1}([A-Za-z0-9]|[_]){0,29}$/; var d = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i; if (!c.test(e) && !d.test(e)) { return login_messages.userNameFormat } return true },verifyLoginPassword: function(c) { var d = true; if ("" == c || null == c) { d = login_messages.passwordEmpty } else { if (6 > c.length) { d = login_messages.passwordLength } } return d },onBlurCheck: function() { var c = false; var d = false; $("#username").on("blur", function() { var f = $("#username").val(); c = $.verifyLoginUser(f); var e = $("#randCode")[0]; if (typeof (c) !== "boolean") { showError(e, c) } else { if (c === true) { showError(e).hide() } } }); $("#password").on("blur", function() { var f = $("#password").val(); var e = $("#randCode")[0]; var g = $.verifyLoginPassword(f); if (c === true && typeof (g) !== "boolean") { showError(e, g) } else { if (g === true) { showError(e).hide() } } }) },loginClick: function() { $("#loginSub").on("click", function(i) { var h = $("#username").val(); var f = $("#password").val(); var c = $("#randCode").val(); if ("undefined" == typeof (submitForm)) { } else { submitForm() } var d = $.verifyLoginUser(h); var g = typeof (d) === "boolean" ? $.verifyLoginPassword(f) : d; if ("Y" == openRandCodeCheck && !verifyRandCode($("#randCode")[0], g)) { return } var j = dhtmlx.modalbox({targSrc: '<div style="z-index: 20000; position: fixed; left: 750.5px; top: 237px;"><img src="' + ctx + 'resources/images/loading.gif"></img></div>'}); $("#loginForm").ajaxSubmit({url: ctx + "login/loginAysnSuggest",type: "post",async: false,success: function(e) { if (e.status) { if (e.data.loginCheck == "Y") { $.submitLogin() } else { if ("Y" == openRandCodeCheck) { refreshImg("login", "sjrand"); $("#randCode").val("") } dhtmlx.modalbox.hide(j); $("#password").val(""); return false } } }}) }) },forgetMyPassword: function() { $("#forget_password_id").on("click", function(c) { otsRedirect("post", ctx + "forgetPassword/initforgetMyPassword") }) },sendCheck: function() { $("#send_check").on("click", function(c) { $.ajax({url: ctx + "login/sendCheck",type: "post",data: {mobileNo: $("#mobileNo").val()},async: false,success: function(d) { }}) }) },submitLogin: function() { otsRedirect("post", ctx + "login/userLogin") },alertErrorMsg: function(c, d) { dhtmlx.alert({title: messages["message.error"],ok: messages["button.ok"],text: d,type: "alert-error",callback: function() { if (c) { obj.focus() } }}) },showCheckMobileDialog: function() { var c = dhtmlx.createWin({winId: "checkMobile",closeWinId: ["back_edit"],callback: function() { },okId: "qr_submit",okCallBack: function() { $.submitLogin() },checkConfirm: function() { $.ajax({url: ctx + "login/checkMobile",type: "post",data: {mobileNo: $("#mobileNo").val(),valueCheck: $("#checkCode").val()},async: false,success: function(d) { if (d.status) { var f = d.data.msg; var e = d.data.checkFlag; if (!e) { $("#msg_error").html(f); return false } else { alert("成功!"); return true } } }}); return false }}); $(".dhx_modal_cover").css("background-color", "#EEEEEE") },styleSet: function() { $("#username").css("color", "#333"); $("#password").css("color", "#333"); $("#randCode").css("color", "#333"); if ($("#username").val() == "" || $("#username").val() == "用戶名/郵箱" || $("#username").val() == null) { $("#username").css("color", "#999"); $("#username").val("用戶名/郵箱") } $("#username").focus(function() { var c = $("#username").val(); if (c == "用戶名/郵箱") { $("#username").css("color", "#333"); $("#username").val("") } }).blur(function() { var c = $("#username").val(); if (c == "") { $("#username").css("color", "#999"); $("#username").val("用戶名/郵箱") } }) }}); $(document).ready(function() { if ("undefined" != typeof (activeSuc)) { if ("Y" == activeSuc) { dhtmlx.createWin({winId: "dialog_active_succ",closeWinId: ["dialog_active_close"],okId: "dialog_active_ok",okCallBack: function() { }}) } } if ("undefined" != typeof (resetPwdSucFlag)) { if ("Y" == resetPwdSucFlag) { dhtmlx.createWin({winId: "dialog_restPwd_succ",closeWinId: ["dialog_restPwd_close"],okId: "dialog_restPwd_ok",okCallBack: function() { }}) } } if ("undefined" != typeof (noticeSessionCollect)) { if ("Y" == noticeSessionCollect) { dhtmlx.createWin({winId: "dialog_sessionCollect",closeWinId: ["dialog_sessionCollect_close"],okId: "dialog_sessionCollect_ok",okCallBack: function() { }}) } } $.onBlurCheck(); $.loginClick(); $.styleSet(); $.forgetMyPassword() }) })(); function showInfoMsg(a) { dhtmlx.alert({title: messages["message.info"],ok: messages["button.ok"],text: a,type: "alert-error",callback: function() { }}) } ; jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkLoginUserName", function(e, c) { var a = false; var b = /^[A-Za-z]{1}([A-Za-z0-9]|[_]){0,29}$/; var d = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i; if (b.test(e) || d.test(e)) { a = true } return this.optional(c) || a }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("requiredUserName", function(b, a) { if ("用戶名/郵箱" == b) { return false } if (b == null || "" == b) { return false } return true }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("requiredSchoolName", function(b, a) { if ("簡碼/漢字" == b) { return false } if (b == null || "" == b) { return false } return true }, "wrong schoolname."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("randCodeRequired", function(b, a) { $("#i-ok").css("display", "none"); return b.length > 0 }, "驗證碼錯誤!"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("randCodeFormat", function(c, b) { $("#i-ok").css("display", "none"); var a = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/; return this.optional(b) || a.test(c) }, "驗證碼錯誤!"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("randCodeLength", function(b, a) { $("#i-ok").css("display", "none"); return b.length == 4 }, "驗證碼錯誤!."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("integrationCheck", function(b, a) { var c = /^\d{6}$/; return this.optional(a) || c.test(b) }, "wrong integrationpassword"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("integrationPwdCheck", function(b, a, c) { if ($("#" + c[0]).val() == $("#" + c[1]).val()) { return true } return false }, "兩次輸入密碼不一致!."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkRandCode", function(c, b, d) { var a = true; if (c && c.length == 4) { $.ajax({url: ctx + "passcodeNew/checkRandCodeAnsyn",type: "post",data: {randCode: c,rand: d},async: false,success: function(e) { if (e.data == "N") { a = false; $("#i-ok").css("display", "none") } else { a = true; $("#i-ok").css("display", "block") } }}) } else { a = false; $("#i-ok").css("display", "none") } return a }, "驗證碼錯誤!."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("validateUsersName", function(b, a) { return this.optional(a) || /^[A-Za-z]{1}([A-Za-z0-9]|[_]){0,29}$/.test(b) }, "用戶名只能由字母、數字或_組成"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkWriteSpace", function(c, b) { for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { if (c.charCodeAt(a) == 32) { return false } } return true }, "contain writespace"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("validateRandCode", function(b, a) { return this.optional(a) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(b) }, "驗證碼錯誤!."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkPassward", function(c, b, e) { var d = true; for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { if (c.charCodeAt(a) == 39 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 60 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 62) { d = false } if (!d) { break } } return this.optional(b) || d }, "Passward wrong"); function validateSecIdCard(g) { var f = 0; var a = g; var e = {11: "北京",12: "天津",13: "河北",14: "山西",15: "內蒙",21: "遼寧",22: "吉林",23: "黑龍",31: "上海",32: "江蘇",33: "浙江",34: "安徽",35: "福建",36: "江西",37: "山東",41: "河南",42: "湖北",43: "湖南",44: "廣東",45: "廣西",46: "海南",50: "重慶",51: "四川",52: "貴州",53: "云南",54: "西藏",61: "陜西",62: "甘肅",63: "青海",64: "寧夏",65: "新疆",71: "臺灣",81: "香港",82: "澳門",91: "國外"}; if (!/^\d{17}(\d|x)$/i.test(a)) { return false } a = a.replace(/x$/i, "a"); if (e[parseInt(a.substr(0, 2))] == null) { return false } var c = a.substr(6, 4) + "-" + Number(a.substr(10, 2)) + "-" + Number(a.substr(12, 2)); var h = new Date(c.replace(/-/g, "/")); if (c != (h.getFullYear() + "-" + (h.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + h.getDate())) { return false } for (var b = 17; b >= 0; b--) { f += (Math.pow(2, b) % 11) * parseInt(a.charAt(17 - b), 11) } if (f % 11 != 1) { return false } return true } function validateFirIdCard(g) { var f = 0; var a; var e = {11: "北京",12: "天津",13: "河北",14: "山西",15: "內蒙",21: "遼寧",22: "吉林",23: "黑龍",31: "上海",32: "江蘇",33: "浙江",34: "安徽",35: "福建",36: "江西",37: "山東",41: "河南",42: "湖北",43: "湖南",44: "廣東",45: "廣西",46: "海南",50: "重慶",51: "四川",52: "貴州",53: "云南",54: "西藏",61: "陜西",62: "甘肅",63: "青海",64: "寧夏",65: "新疆",71: "臺灣",81: "香港",82: "澳門",91: "國外"}; if (g.length == 15) { a = idCardUpdate(g) } else { a = g } if (!/^\d{17}(\d|x)$/i.test(a)) { return false } a = a.replace(/x$/i, "a"); if (e[parseInt(a.substr(0, 2))] == null) { return false } var c = a.substr(6, 4) + "-" + Number(a.substr(10, 2)) + "-" + Number(a.substr(12, 2)); var h = new Date(c.replace(/-/g, "/")); if (c != (h.getFullYear() + "-" + (h.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + h.getDate())) { return false } for (var b = 17; b >= 0; b--) { f += (Math.pow(2, b) % 11) * parseInt(a.charAt(17 - b), 11) } if (f % 11 != 1) { return false } return true } function idCardUpdate(g) { var b; var f = /^(\d){15}$/; if (f.test(g)) { var e = 0; var a = new Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2); var d = new Array("1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"); g = g.substr(0, 6) + "19" + g.substr(6, g.length - 6); for (var c = 0; c < g.length; c++) { e += parseInt(g.substr(c, 1)) * a[c] } g += d[e % 11]; b = g } else { b = "#" } return b } jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkBorth", function(e, c) { var b = e; if (b == "") { return true } else { var a = b.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/); if (a == null) { return false } var f = new Date(a[1], a[3] - 1, a[4]); return (f.getFullYear() == a[1] && (f.getMonth() + 1) == a[3] && f.getDate() == a[4]) } }, "日期格式不合法"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("byteRangeLength", function(d, b, e) { var c = d.length; for (var a = 0; a < d.length; a++) { if (d.charCodeAt(a) > 127) { c++ } } return this.optional(b) || (c >= e[0] && c <= e[1]) }, "length wrong"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkNameCharBlank", function(c, b, d) { var a = d.split("@"); if ($("#" + a[1]).val() == "") { return true } else { if ($("#" + a[0]).val() == "1" || $("#" + a[0]).val() == "2") { return this.optional(b) || /^[a-zA-Z·..\u3400-\u9FFF]+$/.test(c) } else { if ($("#" + a[0]).val() == "B" || $("#" + a[0]).val() == "H") { if (/^[-]+$/.test(c)) { return false } return this.optional(b) || /^[a-z A-Z·..\u3400-\u9FFF\-]+$/.test(c) } else { return this.optional(b) || /^[a-z A-Z·..\u3400-\u9FFF]+$/.test(c) } } } }, "wrong name."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkIdValidStr", function(c, b) { var a = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\(\)]+$/; return this.optional(b) || (a.test(c)) }, "wrong id"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isSecIDCard", function(b, a, c) { if (!checkIfSecIdCard($(c).val())) { return true } return validateSecIdCard(b) }, "wrong"); function checkIfSecIdCard(a) { if (a == "1") { return true } return false } function checkIfFirIdCard(a) { if (a == "2") { return true } return false } function checkCardForHKorTW(a) { if (a == "C" || a == "G") { return true } return false } jQuery.validator.addMethod("isFirIDCard", function(b, a, c) { if (!checkIfFirIdCard($(c).val())) { return true } return validateFirIdCard(b) }, "wrong"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkHkongMacao", function(c, b, d) { if ($(d).val() == "C") { var a = /^[HMhm]{1}([0-9]{10}|[0-9]{8})$/; return this.optional(b) || (a.test(c)) } else { return true } }, "wrong format."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkTaiw", function(c, a, e) { if ($(e).val() == "G") { var d = /^[0-9]{8}$/; var b = /^[0-9]{10}$/; return this.optional(a) || (d.test(c)) || (b.test(c)) } else { return true } }, "wrong format."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkPassport", function(d, b, e) { if ($(e).val() == "B") { var c = /^[a-zA-Z]{5,17}$/; var a = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,17}$/; return this.optional(b) || (a.test(d)) || c.test(d) } else { return true } }, "wrong format."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkWork", function(d, b, e) { if ($(e).val() == "H") { var c = /^[a-zA-Z]{5,17}$/; var a = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,17}$/; return this.optional(b) || (a.test(d)) || c.test(d) } else { return true } }, "wrong format."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isMobile", function(c, a) { var b = c.length; return this.optional(a) || (b == 11 && /^[0-9]+$/.test(c)) }, "wrong mobile phone "); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isTelePhone", function(b, a) { var c = /(^[0-9]{3,4}\-[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^[0-9]{3,4}\)[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^0{0,1}13[0-9]{9}#)/; return this.optional(a) || (c.test(b)) }, "wrong telePhone "); jQuery.validator.addMethod("illegalChar", function(c, b, e) { var d = true; if (c.indexOf("$") >= 0) { return false } for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { if (c.charCodeAt(a) == 39 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 60 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 62 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 34 || c.charCodeAt(a) == 63) { d = false } if (!d) { break } } return this.optional(b) || d }, "Illegal char wrong"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isZipCode", function(c, b) { var a = /^[0-9]{6}$/; return this.optional(b) || (a.test(c)) }, "wrong zipcode"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isEmail", function(c, a) { var b = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; return this.optional(a) || (b.test(trim(c))) }, "wrong email"); function replaceChar(b) { var a = b.value.replace(/['"<> ?]/g, ""); b.value = a } function checkNameChar1(a) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9\u3400-\u9FFF]+$/.test(a) } function trim(a) { return a.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "") } function ltrim(a) { return a.replace(/(^\s*)/g, "") } function rtrim(a) { return a.replace(/(\s*$)/g, "") } jQuery.validator.addMethod("validateName", function(b, a) { return this.optional(a) || /^[a-zA-Z\u3400-\u9FFF0-9\_]+$/.test(b) }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("studentRequired", function(b, a, c) { if ($(c).val() == "3") { return b && trim(b) != "" } return true }, "wrong studentRequired."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("studentStationRequired", function(b, a, c) { if ($(c).val() == "3") { return b && trim(b) != "簡拼/全拼/漢字" && trim(b) != "" } return true }, "wrong studentStationRequired."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("studentValidateName", function(b, a, c) { if ($(c).val() == "3") { return this.optional(a) || /^[a-zA-Z\u3400-\u9FFF0-9\_]+$/.test(b) } return true }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkStudentName", function(b, a, c) { if ($(c).val() == "3") { if ((!b || trim(b) == "" || trim(b) == "簡碼/漢字")) { return false } } return true }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isQuestionNull", function(b, a, c) { if (jQuery.trim(b) != "") { if (jQuery.trim($(c[0]).val()) == "customQuestion" && jQuery.trim($(c[1]).val()) == "" || jQuery.trim($(c[0]).val()) == "") { return false } } return true }, "you should input the question"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("isAnswerNull", function(b, a, c) { if ((jQuery.trim($(c[0]).val()) == "customQuestion" && jQuery.trim($(c[1]).val()) != "") || (jQuery.trim($(c[0]).val()) != "")) { if (jQuery.trim(b) == "") { return false } } return true }, "you should input the answer"); function checkSex(c, b, a) { if (!checkSexByCardId(c, b, a)) { if (!confirm("性別與身份證中的性別不符,是否繼續?")) { return false } else { return true } } else { return true } } function checkSexByCardId(c, e, a) { function b(h, i) { var g = null; if (i.length == 15) { g = i.substring(14, 15) } else { if (i.length == 18) { g = i.substring(16, 17) } else { return true } } if (g == "x" || g == "X") { g = "10" } var f = parseInt(g); var j = f % 2; if (j === 0 && h === "F") { return true } else { if (j === 1 && h === "M") { return true } else { return false } } } var d = $(a).val(); if (checkIfSecIdCard($(e).val()) && validateSecIdCard(d)) { if (d !== "") { return b(c, d) } else { return true } } else { if (checkIfFirIdCard($(e).val()) && validateFirIdCard(d)) { if (d !== "") { return b(c, d) } else { return true } } else { return true } } } function checkBirdDateByCardId(c, e, b) { var a = null; var d = $(b).val(); if (checkIfSecIdCard($(e).val()) && d !== "" && validateSecIdCard(d)) { a = d.substring(6, 14) } else { if (checkIfFirIdCard($(e).val()) && d !== "" && validateFirIdCard(d)) { if (d.length == 15) { a = "19" + d.substring(6, 12) } else { if (d.length == 18) { a = d.substring(6, 14) } } } else { return true } } if (c !== "") { c = c.replace(/-/g, ""); if (c != a) { return false } else { return true } } else { return true } } function checkBirdate(c, b, a) { if (!checkBirdDateByCardId(c, b, a)) { if (!confirm("出生日期與身份證中的出生日期不符,是否繼續?")) { return false } else { return true } } else { return true } } jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkPwdValidate", function(b, a) { return this.optional(a) || /(?![a-z]+$|[0-9]+$|_+$)^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6,}$/.test(b) }, "contain writespace"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkConfirmPassWard", function(b, a, c) { if ($(c).val() != null) { return $(c).val() == b } return true }, "contain writespace"); jQuery.validator.addMethod("IVR_passwd_format", function(b, a) { var c = /^[0-9]{6}$/; return this.optional(a) || c.test(b) }, "驗證碼錯誤!."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkStation", function(b, a) { if ((!b || trim(b) == "" || trim(b) == "簡拼/全拼/漢字" || trim(b) == "簡拼/全拼/漢字或↑↓")) { return false } return true }, "wrong username."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkAnsyUserName", function(e, c, f) { var b = f[0]; var d = $("#" + f[1]).val(); var a = true; $.ajax({url: b + "?user_name=" + e,type: "get",async: false,success: function(g, h) { if (g.data == true) { a = false } else { a = true } },error: function(g, i, h) { a = false }}); return a }, "wrong cardNo"); function checkPwdRank(e, a, d) { var b = $(e); var c = b.val(); if (c.length <= 6 || new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]{6,}$").test(c) || new RegExp("^[0-9]{6,}$").test(c) || new RegExp("^[_]{6,}$").test(c)) { $("#" + a).attr("title", "危險"); $("#" + d).html("危險"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + a).addClass("rank-a") } else { if (c.length > 6 && new RegExp("[a-zA-Z]").test(c) && new RegExp("[0-9]").test(c) && new RegExp("[_]").test(c)) { $("#" + a).attr("title", "安全"); $("#" + d).html("安全"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + a).addClass("rank-c") } else { $("#" + a).attr("title", "一般"); $("#" + d).html("一般"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + a).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + a).addClass("rank-b") } } } Array.prototype.unique = function() { var b = {}, a = this.length; for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { if (typeof b[this[c]] == "undefined") { b[this[c]] = 1 } } this.length = 0; a = 0; for (var c in b) { this[a++] = c } return this }; function checkSearchPwdRank(h, c, g) { var e = $(h); var f = e.val(); if (f.length < 6) { $("#" + c).attr("title", "危險"); $("#" + g).html("危險"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + c).addClass("rank-a") } else { var a = []; for (var b = 0; b < 6; b++) { a.push(f.charAt(b)) } a = a.unique(); var d = a.length; if (d == 1) { $("#" + c).attr("title", "危險"); $("#" + g).html("危險"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + c).addClass("rank-a") } else { if (d > 1 && d < 5) { $("#" + c).attr("title", "一般"); $("#" + g).html("一般"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + c).addClass("rank-b") } else { $("#" + c).attr("title", "安全"); $("#" + g).html("安全"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-a"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-b"); $("#" + c).removeClass("rank-c"); $("#" + c).addClass("rank-c") } } } } jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkDetailAddress", function(b, a) { return this.optional(a) || /^[0-9a-zA-Z\u3400-\u9FFF\#]+$/.test(b) }, "wrong name."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkAddressName", function(b, a) { if (/^[-]+$/.test(b)) { return false } return this.optional(a) || /^[a-z A-Z·..\u3400-\u9FFF\-]+$/.test(b) || /^[a-zA-Z·..\u3400-\u9FFF]+$/.test(b) }, "wrong name."); jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkAddressSelect", function(b, a) { if ("" == b) { return false } if (b) { return true } return this.optional(a) }, "wrong name."); var login_messages = {randCodeError: "驗證碼錯誤!",randCodeExpired: "驗證碼失效",randCodeLentgh: "驗證碼長度為4位!",randCodeFormat: "驗證碼只能由數字或字母組成!",randCodeEmpty: "驗證碼不能為空!",userNameEmpty: "登錄名必須填寫!",userNameFormat: "登錄名格式不正確,請重新輸入!",passwordEmpty: "密碼必須填寫,且不少于6位!",passwordLength: "密碼長度不能少于6位!",pleaseClickCaptcha: "請點擊驗證碼",pleaseClickLeftCaptcha: "請點擊左側驗證碼",pleaseClickCaptchaRight: "請正確點擊驗證碼",loginError: "當前訪問用戶過多,請稍候重試!"};
ww.js 這個js做了三件事情:
1:這個js是處理給用戶展示的是登錄還是注冊界面還是忘記密碼的找回界面, 依賴了兩個全局變量:
這兩個代碼是定義在別的script標簽中; (var targetdiv=['mypasscode1'];var targetelement=[''];)

var oldRandCodeValue=null; var __captcha_reload_fun = function(){ var currentCookie = $.cookie("current_captcha_type") if(currentCookie&¤tCookie==="Z"){ location.reload(true); }else{ //console.log('cookie is correct'); } } /** * 刷新驗證碼 登錄狀態下的驗證碼傳入”randp“,非登錄傳入”sjrand“ 具體參看原otsweb中的傳入參數 */ refreshImg = function(module,place,randCodeId) { var sourcerandCodeId= randCodeId; var imgCheckId="img-check"; if ("undefined"==typeof(randCodeId)){ randCodeId="img_rand_code"; }else{ randCodeId = "img_rand_code_"+randCodeId; //imgCheckId="img-check2"; imgCheckId="img-check_"+sourcerandCodeId; } oldRandCodeValue=''; var randCodeImg = document.getElementById(randCodeId); if(randCodeImg){ randCodeImg.onload?void(0):randCodeImg.onload=__captcha_reload_fun; randCodeImg.src= ctx + "passcodeNew/getPassCodeNew?module="+module+"&rand=" + place + '&' + Math.random(); } var $span=$('#i-okmypasscode1'); if($span[0]){ $span.hide(); } var html = $("#"+imgCheckId).html(); $("#"+imgCheckId).prev().val(""); // $("#randCode_validate").val(""); $("#"+imgCheckId).html(html); try{ //$("#i-ok").hide(); //if($("#i-ok2")[0]){ //$("#i-ok2").hide(); //} $("#randCode").val(""); $("#randCode").removeClass("error"); if($("#randCode2")[0]){ $("#randCode2").val(""); } }catch(e){} }; checkRandCode = function(obj){ var check=false; var randCode=obj.value; var randCode_validate_obj=obj.nextSibling; var randCode_validate=randCode_validate_obj.value; var targetdiv = $(obj).data("targetdiv"); var rand = "sjrand"; var code_type = $("#"+targetdiv).data("code_type"); if("passenger"==code_type){ rand = "randp"; } $.ajax({ url : ctx + "passcodeNew/checkRandCodeAnsyn", type : "post", data : { "randCode" : randCode, "rand": rand, "randCode_validate":randCode_validate }, async : false, success : function(response){ if(response&&response.data&&response.data.result == "1"){ check = true; showSuc(obj); showError(obj).hide(); var scallback = $("#"+targetdiv).data("sucess-callback"); //console.log(scallback); //console.log(window[scallback]); if(typeof(window[scallback])==='function'){ window[scallback](); } }else{ check = false; showSuc(obj).hide(); if(response&&response.data&&response.data.msg){ showError(obj,login_messages[response.data.msg]); }else{ showError(obj,login_messages["randCodeError"]); } //console.log("fileCallback"+failCallback); failCallback(); } oldRandCodeValue = randCode; } }); return check; }; verifyRandCode = function(obj,isOk){ var randCode = obj.value; var targetdiv = $(obj).data("targetdiv"); var check=true; if(!randCode){ showSuc(obj).hide(); showError(obj,login_messages['randCodeEmpty']); return false; } if(randCode.length!=4){ showSuc(obj).hide(); showError(obj,login_messages['randCodeLentgh']); return false; } var tel = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/; if(!tel.test(randCode)){ showSuc(obj).hide(); showError(obj,login_messages['randCodeFormat']); return false; } if(!checkRandCode(obj)){ return false; } return check; }; function showError(obj,msg){ var targetdiv = $(obj).data("targetdiv"); var error_msg = $("#error_msg"+targetdiv); //console.log("msg:"+msg); if(msg){ error_msg.html(msg).show(); } return error_msg; } function showSuc(obj){ var targetdiv = $(obj).data("targetdiv"); var i_ok =$("#i-ok"+targetdiv); i_ok.css({'display':'inline-block'}) return i_ok; } if(typeof(sucessCallback)!=="function"){ sucessCallback = function(){ }; } if(typeof(failCallback)!=="function"){ failCallback = function(){ }; } $(document).ready(function() { $("input[id^=randCode]").on("keyup",function(){ if(oldRandCodeValue==this.value){ return; } showSuc(this).hide(); if(this.value&&this.value.length===4){ showError(this).hide(); verifyRandCode(this,true); } }).focus(function(){ //showError(this).hide(); this.value = ''; }); /** var keyboard = ["keypress","keyup","keydown"]; var mouse = ["blur"]; var events = keyboard.concat(mouse).join(" "); $("input[id^=randCode]").bind(events,function(e){ var d = new Date().toLocaleString(); var type = e.type; var data = {}; if($.inArray(type,keyboard)) { data.keyCode = e.keyCode; } if($.inArray(type,mouse)) { data.screenX = e.screenX; data.screenY = e.screenY; } var obj = this.nextSibling; var value = obj.value; value = value+" "+d+" "+type+" "+JSON.stringify(data); obj.value = value; });**/ });
dynamicJs.js目錄下的一個js, 這個js的名字是動態生成的(防止用戶調試);
這個js文件下有個 :
$(document).ready(function() {}), 加載完畢的入口哦;
當用戶點擊登陸就會觸發:loginSub.click() 會觸發 $.loginClick()
//這個是登錄方法; loginClick: function() { $("#loginSub").on("click", function(i) { var h = $("#username").val(); var f = $("#password").val(); var c = $("#randCode").val(); if ("undefined" == typeof (submitForm)) { } else { submitForm() } var d = $.verifyLoginUser(h); var g = typeof (d) === "boolean" ? $.verifyLoginPassword(f) : d; if ("Y" == openRandCodeCheck && !verifyRandCode($("#randCode")[0], g)) { return } var j = dhtmlx.modalbox({targSrc: '<div style="z-index: 20000; position: fixed; left: 750.5px; top: 237px;"><img src="' + ctx + 'resources/images/loading.gif"></img></div>'}); //發送的數據如下: /* loginUserDTO.user_name:xxx@163.com userDTO.password:xxxx randCode:n2vm randCode_validate: ODY0NjAx:NzZhNjRjMTJkMjJjMjM0ZA== myversion:undefined //主要的兩個參數就是randCode和ODY0NjAx這個破東西; //參考 12306改版之后簡單搶票軟件的實現 : http://www.cnblogs.com/russellwang/p/4173873.html */ //如果登錄錯誤會返回錯誤信息比如 /* {"validateMessagesShowId":"_validatorMessage","status":true,"httpstatus":200,"data":{},"messages":["該郵箱不存在!"],"validateMessages":{}} */ $("#loginForm").ajaxSubmit({url: ctx + "login/loginAysnSuggest",type: "post",async: false,success: function(e) { if (e.status) { //返回的結果如果有Y就是登錄成功了 if (e.status) { //驗證碼正確 if (e.data.loginCheck == "Y") { //登錄成功就重定向到登錄頁; $.submitLogin() } else { //驗證碼錯誤的話,重新刷新驗證碼; if ("Y" == openRandCodeCheck) { refreshImg("login", "sjrand"); $("#randCode").val("") } dhtmlx.modalbox.hide(d); $("#password").val(""); return false } }}) }) };
loginUserDTO.user_name:xxx@163.com userDTO.password:xxxx randCode:n2vm randCode_validate: ODY0NjAx:NzZhNjRjMTJkMjJjMjM0ZA== myversion:undefined
如何獲取ODY0NjAx呢? 參考:http://www.cnblogs.com/russellwang/p/4173873.html
總結一下:好無聊, 12306好像連加密都懶得加了....