

帆船: sail

Relative explainations:



1. 這艘帆船的甲板是用厚木板制作的。

The deck of the sailing ship was made of thick planks.

2. 帆船運動是他最喜愛的活動.

Sailing is the love of his life.

3. 帆船運動是一大樂趣.

Sailing is (good/great) fun.

4. 這種天氣作帆船運動太危險.

The weather is too nasty for sailing.

5. 我喜歡帆船運動

I love sailing.

6. 風勢已減弱, 做帆船運動較為安全了.

The wind has moderated, making sailing safer


Sailing (Olympic sport since 1900) Sailing first became an Olympic sport in Paris in 1900, where time handicaps were used to adjudicate the race. The race format and the classes of competing boats have changed frequently since 。



(一) 規則用語


國際帆船競賽規則: the Racing Rule of Sailing,英文簡寫為RRS.

航行細則: the Sailing Instructions,英文簡寫為SIs.

競賽通則: the Notice of Race,英文簡寫為NoR.

級別規則: the Class Rules.


航行權:right of way 同舷風:same tack

上風:windward 下風:leeward

左舷:port 右舷:starboard

改變航線:change course 兩倍船長:two hull length

推遲:postpone 放棄:abandon

順風換舷:gybing 障礙物:obstruction

翻船:capsized 起航:start

全部召回:general recall 個別召回:individual recall

黑旗規則:black flag rule 碰標:touch the mark

時間限制:time limit 搖帆:pumping

補償:redress 上訴:appeal(二) 器材用語

1、 器材術語(Terms about equipment)

船體:hull 板體:board

穩向板:centerboard (帆板)穩向板:daggerboard

尾鰭:fin 穩向板箱:centerboard case

舵柄:rudder tiller 副舵柄:tiller extension

桅桿:mast 帆桿:boom

桅桿上截 :upper mast 桅桿下截:lower mast

前帆:jib 球形帆:spinnaker

主繚繩:main sheet 前帆繚繩:jib sheet

側支索:shroud 側支索撐臂:shroud spreader

夾繩器:clam cleat 滑輪:block

斜拉器:kicking strap 帆前角下拉索:cunningham

后帆角(外拉)調整索:outhaul 后帆角(內拉)調整索:inhaul

帆板前下角調整索:downhaul 桅桿加長桿:mast extension

船艏:bow 船尾板:transom

桅桿加長桿:mast extension 帆桿加長桿:boom extension

萬向節:universal joint 前甲板:fore deck

后帆邊:leach 前帆邊:luff

船底放水器:automatic bailer 風向線:tell tail

2、 其它器材及裝備術語(Terms for other relevant equipment)

干式保曖服:dry suit 濕式保曖服:wetsuit

船拖車:trolley 船罩:boat cover

防曬油:sun block 太陽鏡:sun glass

手套:glove 帽子:cap

工具箱:tools box 冰簡:ice box

教練艇:coach boat 橡皮艇:rubber boat


1、 有關航海的專業術語(Terms about sailing)

羅徑方位:compass bearing 潮汐表:tide table

海圖:chart 浪高:wave height

方位線:lay-line 忽略地球曲度的目標間直連線:rhumb line

潮汐流:tidal current 潮差:tidal......余下全文>>


Burj Al Arab


Burj 單音節詞,你會了吧?千萬別念成“不舉”了

Al 讀字母L 的發音也就差不多了,輕音。Burj Al Arab 連著一起讀就可以感受到它的氣勢磅礴。


Sit sailing





The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation.

Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Dubai World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Dubai until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank.

The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished duplex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax.

For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offer......余下全文>>



470級男子雙人艇470 - Two Person Dinghy Men

激光級男子單人艇Laser - One Person Dinghy Men

NP RS:X 級帆板 RS:X - Windsurfer Men

星級男子龍骨艇Star - Keelboat Men


470級女子雙人艇470 - Two 閥erson Dinghy Women

激光鐳迪爾級女子單人艇Laser Radial - One Person Ding Women

NP RS:X 級帆板 RS:X - Windsurfer Women

鷹鈴級女子龍骨艇Yngling - Keelboat Women


49人級快艇49er - Skiff Mixed

芬蘭人級重量級艇Finn - Heavyweight Dinghy Mixed

托那多級雙體船Tornado - Multihull Mixed


The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation.

Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Dubai World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Dubai until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank.

The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished duplex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax.

For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offer......余下全文>>



Shantou Yachting Association


Shantou Yachting Association



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