

Attend vt. vi.

1.    出席,參加,上大學.其后跟的賓語主要是meeting,conference, lecture, school, ceremony(典禮),church.

2.    照料,護理,侍候. attend thesick man(vt)/ attend on the sick man

3.    辦理,處理,陪伴,伴隨. attend tothe matter / a cold attended by fever


Beat (beat,beaten)

(1),敲打vt. Wavesbeat the shores.

(2)打敗,打贏,勝過vt.They beat us in amatch.

   beat the world recordin the high jump


The rain was beating on (against) the window.

(4)(,脈搏)跳動vi. normalheart beats / His pulse beat fast.

(5) n.(接連的)敲打,敲擊聲;(波浪等的)沖擊();(心臟等)跳動();節拍


 beat up 痛打一頓

beat down (太陽等)強烈地照射下來;打倒,鎮壓;()

 beat a retreat 撤退,打退堂鼓

 beat time 打拍子



  (1). vi. ();吹動;It wasblowing hard. / The door blew open.

  (2).vi.吹響;吹奏;鳴響Do you hearthe bugle blowing? 你聽到軍號在吹嗎?

  (3).vi. 吹氣;呼吸困難急促;喘氣


  (5).vt.吹動,A gust ofwind blew all the dust away.

  (6).vt.使充氣,使爆炸Theexplosion blew several buildings down.



blowone’s nose 擤鼻涕

blowout 吹滅Don’t blow out the light.

blow over (一陣風暴,風波等)過去The stormwill soon blow over.

被淡忘The impression is so deep that it can hardly everblow over.


   (1)刮起來Soon a gale blew up.

   (2)打氣,吹起來get the tireblown up

   (3)爆炸,炸毀The shipblew up.

   (4)發脾氣,責罵  He blew up (at me) when I told him Icouldn’t do it.

   (5)爆發,突然開始The volcanounexpectedly blew up.

n.1.,一擊;打擊a blow tothe face 朝臉部的一擊

 2. (精神上的)打擊;災禍


  at a (one) blow 一下子,一舉

  come to blows動手互毆

  get a blow in 打著,擊中

  strike a blow against反對,企圖


1.打破,打斷,使碎裂break thewindow / break one’s leg (摔斷腿)

2. 損壞,弄壞break theinstrument

3. 破壞,違反, break anagreement / break the law

4. 使(突然)中止,打斷break one’sjourney

5. 打破(紀錄) break therecord

vi.1.破碎,折斷The vase has broken to pieces.

2.爭吵,決裂break from (with) the old traditional ideas

3.(嗓音,天氣)突變After anhour of heavy rain the storm broke.



6.(身體,精神)垮了His healthbroke.


2決裂,絕交a breakbetween the two countries

3.破曉at (the)break of day

4.休息(時間),間歇 have a break

5.中止,中斷, 停頓 a break in the conversation


1.break away(from)

  逃脫,擺脫break awayfrom the guard


  改掉,破除break awayfrom the old habit

2.break down

  (機器等)The car Iwas in broke down.


His health broke down. /The plan has brokendown.

   (3)中斷 The conversation broke down at thispoint.

   (4)壓倒,破除break downfetishes(迷信)

3.break forth 迸發, 突然

   A shout of joy brokeforth.

4.break in

   (1)強行進入,打進來Thievesbroke in during the night.

   (2)插話,插嘴,打岔  Don’t break in while others arespeaking.

5.break into

   (1)強行進入, 打進break into the palace

   (2)突然開始 break intocheers

6.break off

   (1)突然停止 They broke offtheir conversation.

     He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

   (2)中斷,斷絕,絕交 break off the talk 中斷會談

      break off with one’s old friends 與老朋友絕交

7.break one’s heart 使心碎

8.break out 突然發生,爆發

   A fire broke outduring the night.

   The economic crisisfirst broke out in the United States.

9. break out (of) (從監禁的地方)跑出來,擺脫

10.break through 突破,打破,沖破

   The river brokethrough its banks and flooded the country.

   They have brokenthrough in a number of directions.

11.break up

   (1)(會議)結束,散會Aftermidnight, the party broke up.

   (2)驅散(集會),破壞(罷工) The policetried to break up the crowd.

   (3)學期結束,停課  The school has broken up for theholidays.

12.break up into 分成, 分解

   Sentences can bebroken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.


Bring vt.

 1.帶來,拿來Bring me thebasket, please.

 2.使()來到;引來What bringsyou here today?

 3.產生;引起;導致;使發生Her threechildren brought her joy.

 4.促使;勸使She couldn’tbring herself to believe the news.

 5.使處于某種狀態bring water to a boil 把水燒開

 6.(貨品)售得,換得The paintingbrought 20 pounds.

bring about 引起,實現,使發生

  Our aim is to bring about a communistsociety.

bring around

(1) 使回心轉意,使改變看法They triedto bring him round to their views.

(2) 使痊愈  The doctor will bring him round allright.

bring back(to one’s mind)使回想起

  The story brought back my unhappychildhood.

bring down

(1) 使倒下,使下降

The wind brought down a number of trees.

(2) 擊落,推翻

The more enemy planes were brought down.

bring forth 使產生, 引起

The weather brought forth a host of diseases.

bring forward

(1) 提出Please bringthe matter forward at the next meeting.

(2) 提前They decidedto bring forward the date of the meeting.

bring home to 使明白bring home to the broad masses the risk ofsmoking

bring in

(1) (莊稼) bring inrice

(2) (使)得到(收入 This will bring them in severalthousand yuan.

bring on 使發生,引起Dirt oftenbrings on diseases.

bring out

(1) 說明,闡明bring outthe meaning of a passage

(2) 出版,推出bring out atype of TV

bring to (round) 使蘇醒,使恢復知覺

bring to an end (a close)結束,停住  He brought his story to anend.

bring to attention(notice)使注意

bring to bear on 施加(壓力,影響)

bring to light 使發現,使了解到

bring to one’s senses(reason) 使清醒起來(明白過來)

bring to victory (safety) 使勝利(脫險等)

bring up

(1)   提出,提起  bring up questions

(2)   撫養,培養

(3)   嘔吐


Call vt,vi.

 1.(),() They callher Xiao Hong.

 2.呼叫,喊叫,鳴叫Call me at 7 o’clockplease.

   He called and calledbut no one came to his help.

 3.拜訪,到某處找人I hopeyou’ll call again.

   You’d better call athis office./call on sb

 4.打電話Let’s call his office.


 6.召喚,征召call a taxi/ call a doctor


callat (火車,輪船)停留,停靠Does theship called at Hong Kong?

callattention to 引起對的注意

callaway 叫走,叫開The doctorwas called away a moment ago.


(1) (某人),(某人) I willcall for you at nine.

(2) ,索取He enteredthe restaurant and called for a glass of beer.

(3) 要求,需要有This problemcalls for careful thought.

call in


(2).找來,請來call in adoctor at once.


call on sb to do sth

(1).()某人做某事The Chairmancalled on Mr Brown to speak.


call out 大聲叫,調來,請去

 He called out with pain.

Doctors are often called out in the middle of thenight.

call the roll 點名

call to mind 使想起  I can’t call his name tomind.

call to order 讓保持(會場)秩序,讓肅靜

call up

(1) 打電話

(2) 征召(入伍)


Carry vt.vi



The meeting carried the motion by a largemajority.


Carry away

(1) 使失去理智,使入迷

He was carried away by emotion.


(2) 拿走


carry into effect(practice)實施,實行

carry off 奪走,搶走,獲得,使死掉

  The army term carried off most of themedals.

carry on 進行,繼續進行

carry out 實行,執行

  They also carried out otherexperiment.

carry thought進行到底,完成

  Our fight will be carriedthrough.我們的戰斗將進行到底.

carry weight (說話)有份量,有力量,有影響


Catch vt.&vi.

1.抓住,逮住,掛住He caught myhand and held it tightly.

The nail caught her coat.

2.趕上,搭上I want tocatch the early bus.

3.聽到,嗅到,聽懂What? Ididn’t catch what you said.

   Do you catch mymeaning?

4.染上(疾病) Becareful, you may catch cold.


She caught him smoking a cigarette.

I caught the boy at it again. 我又撞上這孩子在干這事.


He has been caught in the rain and is wet through andthrough.

The ship was caught in a hurricane.

catch at 想抓住,設法抓住

He will catch at any opportunity to practiceEnglish.

catch by surprise(off guard)出其不意(趁其不備)

catch fire著火

catch hold of 抓住,抓牢

catch on受到(大家的)歡迎(喜愛),理解

The play caught on well.

catch one’s eye (attention)引起注意

   A red pencil-mark onthe fifth page caught his eye.

catch sight of 望見 Just then they caught sight of us.

catch up with sb 趕上某人

You go on.I will catch you up.

   We’ll spare no effortto catch up with the advanced countries.


Change vt.&vi.


We’ll change the date to Feb.

2.(,,),交換 Can you change this $5 note for me ?

3.改變,變化The weatherhas changed for the better.

4.()Passages forXian change at Zhengzhou.

change hands 轉手This house has changed hands twice thisyear.

change into 換上(衣服) There wechanged into hospital clothes.

change one’s mind 改變主意

  I have made my mind and nothing you saywill change my mind.

change one’s tune 改變腔調


  There has been a change in theprogramme.

  He lived through a time of great socialchange.



  I handed over a pound and got 38 pencechange.



 1.She iscoming right away.

     There comes the bus.


   the winter wascoming.

   Then came the day ofhis examination.


   Who comes next?下面該誰?

   Success comes when youwork hand.努力才能成功.


But gradually they came to see the menace tothemselves.但他們漸漸看出了他們面臨的威脅.


Wrong never comes right.錯的不能變成對的.

That day their wish finally came true.

Your shoe laces have come undone.你的鞋帶散了.


They began talking about their coming holidays.

I’m sure we’ll do better in times to come.

    Canyou come swimming with us?  (come swimming=goswimming)



How did the accident come about?


In the course of the experiments, they came across a seriesof new problems.



Tom wants to come along with us to the movie.

  (2)趕快  Come along, it’s nearly twelveo’clock.


    Theother jobs are also coming along nicely.其他工作也進行得很順利.



  (2)拿到I’ve been looking for that article, but can’t come at itanywhere.


    It’sdifficult to come at the exact facts.弄清確切事實是很困難的.


    Theydidn’t come by their honours easily.他們這些榮譽不是輕易得來的.


  (1)下降,下落Thetemperature has come down.


   These workers came down suddenly with foodpoisoning.這些工人突然食物中毒了.


These customs came down to us from ourforefathers.

comedown on責備,斥責

   The doctor came downon him hard.


   She came first in thecontest.


   I have come for theparcel.


   Many activists havecome forward.



   This word comes fromLatin.



   Let’s wait till traincomes in.


   Summer is supposed tocome in during May.夏天按說是5月份開始.


   Here comes in thequestion of manpower.這兒存在一個人力問題.


comein for受到

  She came in for a lot ofcriticism.

comeinto effect(force, use)生效(開始使用)

  The treaty will come into force nextmonth.這個條約下月開始生效.

comeinto existence(being)出現,誕生,成立

comeinto leaf(flower, bud)長葉子(開花,發芽)

comeinto office(power)就職(上臺執政)

comenear (to)差點兒,險些

  I came near to giving it up.

comeof 結果

  Nothing came of the meeting.

  Skill comes ofpractice.實踐出技術.


(1) 成功(指計劃等)

I don’t think the plan will come off.


(2) 舉行,發生

Themeeting will come off next week.


This button has just come off.


(1) (風雨等)開始到來

Summer is coming on.

(2) 舉行,演出

The next examination comes on in early summer.



How is he coming on with his study of French?


Come on! You can do it if you try.



(1) 出版,出來

This paper comes out every Friday.

(2) ……的結果

Who came out first in the contest?



The flowers are coming out.

Come out with:說出來,講出,發表

Then someone came out with a question.



(1) 來到(某地),碰到,來參加(某個活動)

They are not afraid when they come to difficulties in theirstudy.



How much does it come to?


What does it come to after all?


I was just about to come to it.

Come to a conclusion / decision 得出結論/ 作出決定

Cometo an end 結束

Cometo nothing 沒有結果

Cometo one’s notice / attention 被注意到




We solve the problem as soon as they came up.




(1) 指控,控告(with): be ~d with  murder

(2) 要價,收費~ sb. fifty cents for  mending a pair ofshoes

(3) 主管,掌管have charge of

2.   詞組

(1) in chargeof主管,掌管  in charge of the project

(2) take charge (of) 掌管,看管  take charge of the children

(3) free ofcharge

(4) at one’s owncharge 自費

(5) under the chargeof  ……掌管(或看管)之下


Cover vt.

 1. 蓋,鋪;包

 2. 穿上衣服(戴上帽子)

 3. 掩蓋,掩飾;隱匿

cover one’s nervousness


 4. 包括;涉及;適用于

Theexhibition covers an area of 10,000 square meters.

 5. 行過(路程)

cover 90 miles in three days


 6. 采訪;報道



1.   Vt

(1) 做,干What’s to be done? 怎么辦

         do manual labour 從事體力勞動

         do one’s shopping(washing)

         do all one can to do sth. 竭盡全力做某事

2給與do sbgood/harm/wrong (冤枉某人)

Will you do me a favor ?

The rain did no damage to the crops.雨并沒有使莊稼受到損失。

3)制作,產生do afilm攝制影片do a painting作畫

4)學習,研究do one’slessons

       do physics at a university 在大學里學物理。


(1) 做,行動do as sb says 按某人所說的去做

(2) 行,足夠That will do. 夠了。

(3) 生長,進展Vegetablesdo well here.

They are doing very well.他們進步很快。


(1)do with……某人相處be difficultto ~

(2)dowithout沒有……也行This issomething we can very well ~ without

(3)have sth (nothing,a great deal)to ~with ……有些關系(沒有關系,關系很大)


Draw (drew,drawn)

1.   vt

(1) , ~ a curtain拉開窗簾/~ abow拉弓

(2) 吸取,引出 ~ alesson吸取教訓/~ aconclusion引出結論

(3) 引起,招來 ~ prolongedapplause搏得長時間的掌聲

(4) 吸入,吸引 ~ a deepbreath 深吸一口氣

(5)  畫,繪制 draw apicture/draw a line

2. 平局,不分勝負The game ended ina ~.


~ up 草擬,制定~ up aplan

~ back  收回




   (1) fight to the last ~ of blood 血戰到底

   (2) 落下下降a ~ in temperature


(1) 使落下,放下,投下drop one’s eyes 垂下兩眼

drop a letter into a mail- box

(2) 遺漏,省略~ a letter ina

(3)丟棄,中斷Let’s ~ thesubject.我們別談這個問題了。

    ~ a bad habit

(4) 下客Please ~ me at the next station.

(5) 不經意地說出,隨便地投寄 ~ sb a postcard/~a hint暗示


(1) 下降,變弱

     Her voice ~ped to a whisper.

(2) 因疲勞而倒下


(1) ~ asleep 入睡

(2)~ behind 落伍,落后

(3)~ by ~ 一滴一滴地,一點一點地

(4) ~ in on sb 順便走訪某人

(5)~ in at 順便走訪某地

(6) ~ into  1.不知不覺談起來~into a conversation 2. 不知不覺養成 ~ into a habit of

(7) ~ out 掉落,掉出


Fall  (fell; fallen) vi

(1)落下,降落,跌倒Leaves ~ inautumn.

The rain is ~ing.


    The temperature is ~ing.

    The storm fell towards evening.傍晚暴風雨減弱。

a voice ~ing to a whisper

(3)下垂,降臨The curtain~s./Night ~s夜幕降臨。

(4) 房屋坍塌;城市陣地陷落政府跨臺




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