This sample shows how to turn object to byte[], as well as turn byte[] to object.
So,I can turn any types of object into byte[],which can be saved and transported properly.
Attention!Attention!Attention!(Important things should be repeated three times:))
1.Don't forget to using <System.IO; System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; System.Runtime.Serialization;> at the beginning of your program.
2.When you need to transport an class/struct that defined by yourself, you'd better put the definition into a DLL file and using it in your program.
3.Also,put a [Serializable] before the definition(if it is defined on your own).
1 public static byte[] Object2Bytes(object obj) 2 { 3 IFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); 4 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 5 fmt.Serialize(ms,obj); 6 return ms.GetBuffer(); 7 } 8 9 public static object Bytes2Object(byte[] bt) 10 { 11 IFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); 12 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bt); 13 return (object)fmt.Deserialize(ms); 14 }