
1 using System; 2 3 namespace CSharpGL 4 { 5 /// <summary> 6 /// Control(widget) in OpenGL window. 7 /// </summary> 8 public abstract partial class GLControl 9 { 10 internal GLControl parent; 11 [Description("Parent control. This node inherits parent's layout properties.")] 12 public GLControl Parent 13 { 14 get { return this.parent; } 15 set 16 { 17 GLControl old = this.parent; 18 if (old != value) 19 { 20 this.parent = value; 21 22 if (value == null) // parent != null 23 { 24 old.Children.Remove(this); 25 } 26 else // value != null && parent == null 27 { 28 value.Children.Add(this); 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 } 33 34 [Description("Children Nodes. Inherits this node's IWorldSpace properties.")] 35 public GLControlChildren Children { get; private set; } 36 37 public GLControl(GUIAnchorStyles anchor) 38 { 39 this.Children = new GLControlChildren(this); 40 41 this.Anchor = anchor; 42 } 43 } 44 }

1 using System; 2 3 namespace CSharpGL 4 { 5 public partial class GLControl 6 { 7 /// <summary> 8 /// 獲取或設置控件綁定到的容器的邊緣并確定控件如何隨其父級一起調整大小。 9 /// </summary> 10 public GUIAnchorStyles Anchor { get; set; } 11 12 private int x; 13 private int y; 14 15 /// <summary> 16 /// 相對于Parent左下角的位置(Left Down location) 17 /// </summary> 18 public GUIPoint Location 19 { 20 get { return new GUIPoint(x, y); } 21 set { this.x = value.X; this.y = value.Y; } 22 } 23 24 public GUISize Size 25 { 26 get { return new GUISize(width, height); } 27 set { this.width = value.Width; this.height = value.Height; } 28 } 29 30 private int width; 31 private int height; 32 33 /// <summary> 34 /// 上次更新之后,parent的Width屬性值。 35 /// </summary> 36 private int parentLastWidth; 37 /// <summary> 38 /// 上次更新之后,parent的Height屬性值。 39 /// </summary> 40 private int parentLastHeight; 41 42 /// <summary> 43 /// 44 /// </summary> 45 protected int absLeft; 46 /// <summary> 47 /// 48 /// </summary> 49 protected int absBottom; 50 51 /// <summary> 52 /// Layout for this control. 53 /// </summary> 54 public virtual void UpdateAbsoluteLocation() 55 { 56 GLControl parent = this.Parent; 57 if (parent != null) 58 { 59 this.absLeft = parent.absLeft + this.x; 60 this.absBottom = parent.absBottom + this.y; 61 } 62 else 63 { 64 this.absLeft = this.x; 65 this.absBottom = this.y; 66 } 67 } 68 69 /// <summary> 70 /// layout controls in OpenGL canvas.( 71 /// Updates absolute and relative (location and size) of specified node and its children nodes. 72 /// <para>This coordinate system is shown as below.</para> 73 /// <para> /\ y</para> 74 /// <para> |</para> 75 /// <para> |</para> 76 /// <para> |</para> 77 /// <para> |</para> 78 /// <para> |</para> 79 /// <para> |----------------->x</para> 80 /// <para>(0, 0)</para> 81 /// </summary> 82 /// <param name="node"></param> 83 public static void Layout(GLControl node) 84 { 85 if (node == null) { return; } 86 87 var parent = node.Parent; 88 if (parent != null) 89 { 90 NonRootNodeLayout(node, parent); 91 } 92 93 node.UpdateAbsoluteLocation(); 94 95 foreach (var item in node.Children) 96 { 97 GLControl.Layout(item); 98 } 99 100 if (parent != null) 101 { 102 node.parentLastWidth = parent.width; 103 node.parentLastHeight = parent.height; 104 } 105 } 106 107 private const GUIAnchorStyles leftRightAnchor = (GUIAnchorStyles.Left | GUIAnchorStyles.Right); 108 private const GUIAnchorStyles topBottomAnchor = (GUIAnchorStyles.Top | GUIAnchorStyles.Bottom); 109 110 /// <summary> 111 /// Updates <paramref name="currentNode"/>'s location and size according to its state and parent's information. 112 /// </summary> 113 /// <param name="currentNode"></param> 114 /// <param name="parent"></param> 115 private static void NonRootNodeLayout(GLControl currentNode, GLControl parent) 116 { 117 int x, y, width, height; 118 if ((currentNode.Anchor & leftRightAnchor) == leftRightAnchor) 119 { 120 width = parent.width - currentNode.parentLastWidth + currentNode.width; 121 if (width < 0) { width = 0; } 122 } 123 else 124 { 125 width = currentNode.width; 126 } 127 128 if ((currentNode.Anchor & topBottomAnchor) == topBottomAnchor) 129 { 130 height = parent.height - currentNode.parentLastHeight + currentNode.height; 131 if (height < 0) { height = 0; } 132 } 133 else 134 { 135 height = currentNode.height; 136 } 137 138 if ((currentNode.Anchor & leftRightAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.None) 139 { 140 int diff = parent.width - currentNode.parentLastWidth; 141 x = currentNode.x + diff / 2; 142 } 143 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & leftRightAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.Left) 144 { 145 x = currentNode.x; 146 } 147 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & leftRightAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.Right) 148 { 149 int diff = parent.width - currentNode.parentLastWidth; 150 x = currentNode.x + diff; 151 } 152 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & leftRightAnchor) == leftRightAnchor) 153 { 154 x = currentNode.x; 155 } 156 else 157 { throw new Exception(string.Format("Not expected Anchor:[{0}]!", currentNode.Anchor)); } 158 159 if ((currentNode.Anchor & topBottomAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.None) 160 { 161 int diff = parent.height - currentNode.parentLastHeight; 162 y = currentNode.y + diff / 2; 163 } 164 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & topBottomAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.Bottom) 165 { 166 y = currentNode.y; 167 } 168 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & topBottomAnchor) == GUIAnchorStyles.Top) 169 { 170 int diff = parent.height - currentNode.parentLastHeight; 171 y = currentNode.y + diff; 172 } 173 else if ((currentNode.Anchor & topBottomAnchor) == topBottomAnchor) 174 { 175 y = currentNode.y; 176 } 177 else 178 { throw new Exception(string.Format("Not expected Anchor:[{0}]!", currentNode.Anchor)); } 179 180 currentNode.x = x; currentNode.y = y; 181 currentNode.width = width; currentNode.height = height; 182 } 183 }}
在OpenGL的渲染流水線上,描述頂點位置的坐標,依次要經過object space, world space, view/camera space, clip space, normalized device space, Screen/window space這幾個狀態。下表列出了各個狀態的特點。
Space |
Coordinate |
feature |
object |
(x, y, z, 1) |
從模型中讀取的原始位置(x,y,z),可在shader中編輯 |
world |
(x, y, z, w) |
可在shader中編輯 |
view/camera |
(x, y, z, w) |
可在shader中編輯 |
clip |
(x, y, z, w) |
vertex shader中,賦給gl_Position的值 |
normalized device |
(x, y, z, 1) |
上一步的(x, y, z, w)同時除以w。OpenGL自動完成。x, y, z的絕對值小于1時,此頂點在窗口可見范圍內。即可見范圍為[-1, -1, -1]到[1, 1, 1]。 |
screen/window |
glViewport(x, y, width, height); glDepthRange(near, far) |
OpenGL以窗口左下角為(0, 0)。 上一步的頂點為(-1, -1, z)時,screen上的頂點為(x, y)。 上一步的頂點為(1, 1, z)時,screen上的頂點為(x + width, y + height)。 |
根據上表來看,object space, world space, view space三步可以省略跳過,而normalized device space是無法跳過的,所以我們在shader中給控件指定的坐標,就應該在[-1,-1,-1]和[1,1,1]之間。然后通過glViewport(x, y, width, height);指定控件的位置(x, y)和大小(width, height)。
1 using System; 2 3 namespace CSharpGL 4 { 5 public abstract partial class GLControl 6 { 7 public virtual void RenderGUIBeforeChildren(GUIRenderEventArgs arg) 8 { 9 GL.Instance.Enable(GL.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); 10 GL.Instance.Scissor(this.absLeft, this.absBottom, this.width, this.height); 11 GL.Instance.Viewport(this.absLeft, this.absBottom, this.width, this.height); 12 13 if (this.RenderBackground) 14 { 15 vec4 color = this.BackgroundColor; 16 GL.Instance.ClearColor(color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w); 17 GL.Instance.Clear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 }
當我的WinForm控件WinGLCanvas收到一個消息(以鼠標按下mouse down為例)時,他會遍歷所有的GLControl,告訴他們“有mouse down消息來了”。每個控件都會調用自己關聯的mouseDown事件(如果有的話)。
然而細想一下,只有鼠標所在位置的那個GLControl才應該響應mouse Down消息。所以,在WinGLCanvas遍歷GLControl時,要分辨出哪個控件在mouse Down的位置,然后通知它;不通知其他控件。類似的,只有得到Focus的控件才會收到key down消息,從而調用自己的KeyDown事件。
最后,用一個Dictionary<char, GlyphInfo>字典記錄每個字符的字形信息(在Texture中的位置、大小)。