ASP.NET URL雙向改寫的實現
我們在進行Web程序開發時,為了進行搜索引擎優化(SEO),往往需要對web的訪問地址進行優化,如將http://localhost/Default.aspx?tab=performance修改為http://localhost/Default_performance.aspx,后一個地址能夠更好地被搜索引擎搜索到,從而達到了搜索引擎優化的目的。微軟有一個開源類庫URLRewriter可以非常方便地實現url改寫,通過配置在web.config文件中的映射表將用戶的請求重定向到具體的頁面中,我在“使用URLRewriter進行URL重寫失效”一文中詳細介紹了如何使用這個類庫,該類庫是通過asp.net的httpmodules或httphandles來執行的,但如果網站的宿主服務器不支持 httpmodules和httphandles,則該功能便失效了,這時我們可以通過global中的application_beginrequest事件來進行url重定向。本文在URLRewriter類庫的基礎上進行了改進,并給出了一個相對完整的解決方案。
<ReWriterConfig xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ReWriterRule IsDirect="true">
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace URLRewriterTest
public class ReWriterConfig
public ReWriterRule[] Rules;
public class ReWriterRule
private bool _isRedirect = false;
public bool IsRedirect
get { return _isRedirect; }
set { this._isRedirect = value; }
public string LookFor { get; set; }
public string SendTo { get; set; }
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Caching;
namespace URLRewriterTest
public class ReWriterConfiguration
public static ReWriterConfig GetConfig(string filename)
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["RewriterConfig"] == null)
ReWriterConfig config = null;
// Create an instance of the XmlSerializer specifying type and namespace.
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ReWriterConfig));
// A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
using (Stream reader = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
// Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
config = (ReWriterConfig)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("RewriterConfig", config,
new CacheDependency(filename));
return (ReWriterConfig)HttpContext.Current.Cache["RewriterConfig"];
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace URLRewriterTest
public class ReWriterUtils
/// Rewrite's a URL using HttpContext.RewriteUrl().
/// The HttpContext object to rewrite the URL to.
/// Redirect or rewrite path.
/// The URL to rewrite to.
public static void RewriteUrl(HttpContext context, string sendToUrl,
bool isRedirect)
string x, y;
RewriteUrl(context, sendToUrl, isRedirect, out x, out y);
/// Rewrite's a URL using HttpContext.RewriteUrl().
/// The HttpContext object to rewrite the URL to.
/// The URL to rewrite to.
/// Redirect or rewrite path.
/// Returns the value of sendToUrl stripped of the querystring.
/// Returns the physical file path to the requested page.
public static void RewriteUrl(HttpContext context, string sendToUrl,
bool isRedirect, out string sendToUrlLessQString, out string filePath)
// see if we need to add any extra querystring information
if (context.Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
if (sendToUrl.IndexOf('?') != -1)
sendToUrl += "&" + context.Request.QueryString.ToString();
sendToUrl += "?" + context.Request.QueryString.ToString();
// first strip the querystring, if any
string queryString = String.Empty;
sendToUrlLessQString = sendToUrl;
if (sendToUrl.IndexOf('?') > 0)
sendToUrlLessQString = sendToUrl.Substring(0, sendToUrl.IndexOf('?'));
queryString = sendToUrl.Substring(sendToUrl.IndexOf('?') + 1);
// grab the file's physical path
filePath = string.Empty;
filePath = context.Server.MapPath(sendToUrlLessQString);
if (isRedirect)
// redirect the path

context.Response.Redirect("~/" + sendToUrlLessQString);
// rewrite the path

context.RewritePath("~/" + sendToUrlLessQString,
String.Empty, queryString);
// NOTE! The above RewritePath() overload is only
supported in the .NET Framework 1.1
// If you are using .NET Framework 1.0, use the below form instead:
// context.RewritePath(sendToUrl);
/// Converts a URL into one that is usable on the requesting client.
/// Converts ~ to the requesting application path. Mimics the behavior of the
/// Control.ResolveUrl() method, which is often used by control developers.
/// The application path.
/// The URL, which might contain ~.
/// A resolved URL. If the input parameter url contains ~, it is replaced with the
/// value of the appPath parameter.
public static string ResolveUrl(string appPath, string url)
if (url.Length == 0 || url[0] != '~')
return url;
// there is no ~ in the first character position, just return the url
if (url.Length == 1)
return appPath;
// there is just the ~ in the URL, return the appPath
if (url[1] == '/' || url[1] == '\\')
// url looks like ~/ or ~\
if (appPath.Length > 1)
return appPath + "/" + url.Substring(2);
return "/" + url.Substring(2);
// url looks like ~something
if (appPath.Length > 1)
return appPath + "/" + url.Substring(1);
return appPath + url.Substring(1);
string requestedPath = Request.RawUrl.ToString();
// get the configuration rules
string filename = Context.Server.MapPath(".") + "//ReWriterRules.xml";
ReWriterConfig rules = ReWriterConfiguration.GetConfig(filename);
// iterate through each rule

for (int i = 0; i < rules.Rules.Length; i++)
// get the pattern to look for, and Resolve the Url
(convert ~ into the appropriate directory)
string lookFor = "^" + ReWriterUtils.ResolveUrl(Context.Request
.ApplicationPath, rules.Rules[i].LookFor) + "$";
// Create a regex (note that IgnoreCase is set

Regex re = new Regex(lookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// See if a match is found
if (re.IsMatch(requestedPath))
// match found - do any replacement needed
string sendToUrl = ReWriterUtils.ResolveUrl(Context.Request.ApplicationPath,
re.Replace(requestedPath, rules.Rules[i].SendTo));
// Rewrite or redirect the URL
ReWriterUtils.RewriteUrl(Context, sendToUrl, rules.Rules[i].IsRedirect);
break; // exit the for loop