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由Noupe帶來的51個最佳jQuery教程和實例, 向大家介紹了jQuery的一些基本概念和使用的相關教程, 帕蘭繼續為你翻譯, 如果你對jQuery感興趣, 也可以查看帕蘭之前翻譯的一些文章:
John Resig
John Resig, 這位是 JQuery JavaScript腳本庫的創建者, 同時也是Mozilla公司的技術人員.
進一步了解John Resig
- How jQuery Works - 這是一基礎jquery教程, 教你如何使用 jQuery.
- Expandable Sidebar Menu ()- (jQuery 在線視頻教程l) 關于jQuery的一個基礎概念說明視頻. Live Demo is here.
15 Days Of jQuery
15 Days Of jQuery-15天內從零到精通的 jQuery教程.
進一步查看這個教程15 Days Of jQuery
- jQuery Online Movie Tutorial by John Resig
- Draggable, Droppables, Selectables… Oh My!
- Multiple File Upload Magic With Unobtrusive Javascript
- Rounded Corners with Javascript (jQuery)
進一步查看 LearningjQuery.com里面的教程
- Working with Events, part 1
- Animated Scrolling with jQuery 1.2
- Automatic Page Contents
- More Showing, More Hiding
Bassistance- 這個教程向你展示如何通過jQuery創建插件.
- Getting Started with jQuery- 本指南介紹了該jquery庫。它一步一步的解釋jQuery的細節,包括一個簡單的Hello World舉例演示,選擇和活動的基本知識,Ajax, FX和使用情況以及如何創建插件。
Cody Lindley
Cody Lindley- ThickBox 和 jTip plugins的創建人
Featured Tutorials on Cody Lindley
- JQuery To The Rescue- 一個使用jQuery的互動示范教程.
Remy sharp’s Blog
Remy sharp- 在 他的博客里面, 有許多關于jQuery的教程和插件,.
PS. 越翻越深奧, 有的看不懂, 無法翻譯. 這jQuery的基礎還真不好懂. 沒精神翻了, 大家自己看看英文吧. 改天有精神再翻譯剩下的.
Featured Tutorials on Remy sharp’s Blog
- Text box hints-You will see a lot of web sites with search boxes have text alreadypopulated inside of the field and when you select the input text box itdisappears and reappears when it’s not selected. This tutorial willshow you how can add a small amount of jQuery to add this feature toany of your web sites.
- Auto-populating Select Boxes using jQuery & AJAX-Allow the user to select a top level category from one select box andto automatically populate the sub-category using jQuery and Ajax.
Featured Tutorials on jQueryForDesigners
- Using Ajax to Validate Forms-With this tutorial you will be able to have your first forms that dothe following: 1) Live username checking, 2) Password confirmation andstrength, 3) Checking if an email address is already registered, 4) URLvalidation
- Image Cross Fade Transition- How to fade one image in to another?
Web Designer Wall
- jQuery Tutorials for Designers-This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designersand newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery. Effectsinclude: Simple slide panel, Simple disappearing effect, Chain-abletransition effects, Accordion, Animated hover effect, Entire blockclickable, Collapsible panels.
CSS-Tricks is a home forexamples, tutorials, tips, tricks, and news regarding Cascading StyleSheets. Chris Coyer is getting into jQuery lately and postinginteresting jQuery tutorials in his journey to learn jQuery.
Featured Tutorials on CSS-Tricks
- Fading Menu - Replacing Content- Chris Coyer shows us a nice menu effect emphasizing the designer’s perspective: “When I do this, make the CSS do this”.
- Improved Current Field Highlighting in Forms- How to add some kind of visual feedback on web forms to indicate the currently active (or “focused“) field.
- Fade-in Spoiler Revealer- Exploiting some of the “fading in” and “fading out” different page elements functions for a really simple Spoiler Revealer.
Getting started with jQuery
- The jSkinny on jQuery- A tutorial on the jQuery javascript library (from a Ruby/Rails perspective).
- How to Get Anything You Want- An introduction to jQuery selectors and traversal methods, and their use in navigating the DOM.
- It’s all about CSS- If you’ve got a good understand of CSS selectors, then you’re already familiar with how to query the DOM.
- jQuery Crash Course-For those who’d like to learn more about jQuery, one of the morepopular libraries, here’s a crash course written with code-savvy webdesigners in mind.
- jQuery in 15 minutes- A short introduction to jQuery.
- jQuery Basics- This section covers basic usage of jQuery from getting started to finding elements and working with CSS.
- Easy JavaScript for Designers-A nice little writeup for the jQuery Java Script Library. Designersneed all of the coding shortcuts they can and jQuery seems to deliver.
jQuery Cheat Sheets
- jQuery Cheatsheet-The cheat sheet comes in two flavors: 1) Made for iPhone and iPodTouch, and any other mobile device with internet access. 2) Old-schoolprintable A4 cheat sheet
- jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet
Building jQuery Plugins
- A Plugin Development Pattern- This article is meant to share a useful pattern for plugin authoring.
- Developing a jQuery Plugin- Sometimes the most difficult part is just taking the first step!
- Building Your First jQuery Plugin- This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own truncation plugin.
jQuery Effects and Techniques
- JQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial- Pop-up link menu (mouse over menu)
- jQuery For Designers- Examples of writing Unobtrusive JavaScript to add simple behavior to a web page.
- AutoCompleter Tutorial - jQuery(Ajax)/PHP/MySQL
- SlideViewer- A jQuery image slider built on a single unordered list
- LavaLamp for jQuery lovers!- A step by step tutorial to create a LavaLamp menu packaged as a plugin for the amazing jQuery javascript library.
- Auto-Complete Field with jQuery - Code Explained- An explanation of the code behind the auto-complete field in this post.
- Photo Slider Tutorial- It’s worth noting that you can easily use the photo slider to query a server script to load the images.
- Ajax will_paginate, jq-style- Using jQuery, to easily rock some gracefully degrading Ajax pagination.
- Rounded Corners- Adding rounded corners to an element, using no extra markup.
- Efficient Tag Cloud Algorithm- A post about a tag cloud algorithm , very useful.
- AutoCompleter Tutorial-This tutorial because will tell you how and why AutoCompleter works,knowing about this enables you to customise it a lot more.
- Creating a fading header- A tutorial explaining how to create the fading header graphic for Bits and Pixels.
Ajax development with jQuery
- Easy Ajax with jQuery-Akash Mehta will show us how to simplify the process of adding Ajax tothe application even further with the help of jQuery, a popularJavaScript library.
- Simplify Ajax development with jQuery- Discover how easy Ajax and DOM scripting can be
- Quick and Dirty AJAX- A walk through tutorial showing some of the basic ways you could use jQuery to add AJAX functionality to your site.
- A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial- A step-by-step tutorial will show you how to combine the power of jQuery with Code Igniter(a PHP framework based on the MVC design pattern) to quickly andpainlessly pass a record ID through the javascript and over to theserver, where it will be passed to a mysql database, used to retrievesome data, and sent back to the page for display.
jQuery Fixing common Browser Issues
- Fixing IE overflow problem-IE has a different implementation of overflow compared to Firefox orSafari. This is a detailed account of the problem, and it’s fix.
- Using jQuery to align column heights- This tutorial will show you how to use the popular jQuery library to match the height of 2 columns in your layout.
- Hacking transparent PNG support into IE6 with IE PNG Fix, CSS and jQuery- How to enable transparent PNG support in IE6