實現了一個簡單的demo: (有待優化的地方,最后一行存在高度太高的問題)下面這個效果是倒敘的磚墻,即優先從底部開始網上排列。
頁面代碼 BrickWall.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 5 <title>布局展示</title> 6 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> 7 <style> 8 .grid { 9 width: 520px; 10 height: 1000px; 11 overflow: auto; 12 } 13 14 .grid li { 15 list-style-type: none; 16 margin: 0; 17 display: inline-block; 18 } 19 </style> 20 </head> 21 22 <body> 23 <div class="grid"> 24 </div> 25 <script type="text/javascript" src="BrickWall.js"></script> 26 <script> 27 var images = ["images/1.jpg", "images/2.jpg", "images/3.jpg", 28 "images/4.jpg", "images/5.jpg", "images/6.jpg", 29 "images/7.jpg", "images/8.jpg", "images/9.jpg", 30 "images/10.jpg", "images/11.jpg", "images/12.jpg", 31 "images/13.jpg", "images/14.jpg", "images/15.jpg", 32 "images/16.jpg", "images/17.jpg", "images/18.jpg", 33 "images/19.jpg", "images/20.jpg", "images/21.jpg", 34 "images/22.jpg", "images/23.jpg", "images/23.jpg", 35 "images/25.jpg", "images/26.jpg", "images/27.jpg", 36 "images/28.jpg", "images/29.jpg", "images/30.jpg", 37 ]; 38 new BrickWall(document.getElementsByClassName("grid")[0], images, 200, 500, null); 39 </script> 40 </body> 41 42 </html>
1 var BrickWall = (function () { 2 function BrickWall(container, imagesArr, baseHeight, totalWidth, callback) { 3 this.container = container; 4 this.imagesArr = imagesArr; 5 this.baseHeight = baseHeight; 6 this.totalWidth = totalWidth; 7 this.callback = callback; 8 this.imagesObj = []; 9 var imageCount = imagesArr.length; 10 var that = this; 11 imagesArr.forEach(function (src, i) { 12 that.imagesObj[i] = {}; 13 that.imagesObj[i].src = src; 14 var img = document.createElement("img"); 15 img.src = src; 16 that.imagesObj[i].imgEle = img; 17 img.onload = function (e) { 18 that.imagesObj[i].width = img.width * baseHeight / img.height; 19 ; 20 that.imagesObj[i].height = baseHeight; 21 imageCount--; 22 if (imageCount == 0) 23 that.onloadAll(); 24 }; 25 img.onerror = function (e) { 26 imageCount--; 27 if (imageCount == 0) 28 that.onloadAll(); 29 }; 30 }); 31 } 32 //所有圖onload完成后,知道所有的寬高值后才能確定位置 33 BrickWall.prototype.onloadAll = function () { 34 var that = this; 35 var baseWidth = 0; 36 var divNum = 0; 37 var divTotalWidth = []; 38 that.imagesObj.forEach(function (imgObj, i) { 39 if (baseWidth < that.totalWidth) { 40 baseWidth += imgObj.width; 41 } 42 else { 43 divTotalWidth[divNum] = baseWidth; 44 divNum++; 45 baseWidth = imgObj.width; 46 } 47 imgObj.divNum = divNum; 48 imgObj.imgEle.height = that.baseHeight; 49 imgObj.imgEle.width = imgObj.width; 50 var li = document.createElement("li"); 51 li.appendChild(imgObj.imgEle); 52 that.container.appendChild(li); 53 // var first = that.container.firstChild;//得到頁面的第一個元素 54 // that.container.insertBefore(li, first);//在得到的第一個元素之前插入 55 if (i == that.imagesObj.length - 1) 56 divTotalWidth[divNum] = baseWidth; 57 }); 58 that.imagesObj.forEach(function (imgObj, i) { 59 if (divTotalWidth[imgObj.divNum] > that.totalWidth) { 60 imgObj.imgEle.width = that.totalWidth / divTotalWidth[imgObj.divNum] * imgObj.width; 61 imgObj.imgEle.height = that.totalWidth / divTotalWidth[imgObj.divNum] * imgObj.height; 62 } 63 }); 64 }; 65 return BrickWall; 66 }());
1 $.extend({ 2 reverseChild: function (obj, child) { 3 var childObj = $(obj).find(child); 4 var total = childObj.length; 5 childObj.each(function (i) { 6 $(obj).append(childObj.eq((total - 1) - i)); 7 }); 8 } 9 });
.grid { overflow: auto; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; }
1 var li = document.createElement("li"); 2 var first = box.firstChild;//得到頁面的第一個元素 3 box.insertBefore(li, first);//在得到的第一個元素之前插入